The documentary series A Report on the Great War, which was made upon Pavel Štingl's instigation, was a unique documentary mosaic of the experiences of Czech soldiers who participated in this devastating worldwide conflict (1914–1918) whose echoes affected the course of the entire 20th century. The project opened with an open call to the public to contribute family memorabilia related to the First World War. Based on audience response and working with the materials provided by the public, several filmmakers and historians attempted to present the context of and interrelationships among the fates of various Czech soldiers. In collaboration with Czech Television, A Report on the Great War presented a 12-part series made by directors Petr Kotek, Tomáš Petráň, Pavel Štingl, Jakub Tabery, and Petr Záruba.

Pavel Štingl filmed the two pilot episodes and the episode entitled Like a Starving Animal.